Monthly Archives: May 2013

Can you…?

Can you...?

Can you think of 5 exercises you can do with each of the pieces of equipment in this picture?

My motto has always been that I will not buy any piece of equipment unless I can do at least 5 exercises with it.

If you cannot think of 5 things for each piece you see here, come join us and we can show you how.

New memberships and schedules start next week. If you are interested in joining us and playing with our toys email to get started.

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May 29, 2013 · 6:48 AM

8 Days

In 8 days a whole new world begins at BeWell Fitness.

New classes.

New schedules.

A new coach.

We have only added things; nothing has been taken away or lessened.

In fact, I am so convinced that you will not only find a membership that gives you the results you want in the budget you desire, I am willing to put the reputation of the gym on the line.

If you come in and sign up for one of our membership options and after as little as 1 month do not see improvement in any of your set goals, I will refund your money for the month.

We want to help people that want to succeed. We are bringing 100% to the table. If you are willing to bring that same 100% from your side you will have all the success in the world here.

The invitation is on the table for you to join us.

Please email to start your fitness plan.

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The Swing Set

This past weekend I recruited a number of friends and neighbors to help me move and put together a swing set for my kids that we bought from another neighbor. It is amazing how much wood weighs, it is very deceiving. The swing set is probably over ten years old and has shown its use through that time. Our neighbor had girls of their own and said it was such a place of fun and joy for their family and they were happy it was going to be used again, they were also happy to get it out of their yard to make room for a new fire pit.

As we moved this monster it definitely showed its use, but when it was set up and secured in our yard it seemed to look new again, like it had been given a new life. Yesterday it was power washed and cleaned further. It literally looked like a different swing set.

I tell this story because our new coach, membership options and schedule give our team a new face, a new look and feel, but underneath it all you are still getting the same quality in programming, coaching and culture. We are like a beer bottle that says new look same great taste.

-I will be promoting my intern, Jason Reno, to a active strength coach. In addition to holding a a national accreditation for training, Jason has spent five plus years studying the arts of Kickboxing, Wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and is currently on the path to become a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

-Every night Monday – Thursday there will be an evening group session starting at 630pm. It was at 6pm but based on feedback that was cutting it close for people after work so we moved it to 630pm and added more days.

-We are starting a new class format for some of the classes at certain times. It will be a ULTRA Bootcamp. This is the only ULTRA Bootcamp around and what makes this unique and unlike any group fitness class, bootcamp, Crossfit, P90X, or Insanity workout is the program and coaching. This will be a non-stop 45-60 minute session of sweat. Further, this is not a beginner class and not for everyone. This is a class for the people that want more intensity and are experienced in the gym. You will have a coach with you the entire time watching and making sure you are in proper form and not over doing any movement. The goal is to step up the intensity but not to the point of destruction.

-More times will open up for individual program design and open gym Monday – Thursday. So if you have been looking to come in later and it just hasn’t been available this is the opportunity.

-We also have a $99 membership option now. So this may be perfect for you based on your schedule and budget.

We have asked and received feedback and we are making changes based on that as well as going above and beyond what was asked. We hope that we can do the same for you.

If you are not a current member and the above is something you are interested in, please email for more information. If you are a current member, it is all included in your already existing membership.


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Smiles and Cupcakes (Important 5min read)

I was putting my oldest daughter, 3 1/2 yrs old, to sleep a couple days ago and we have been playing this “game” according to her that after we put her to sleep she gets out of bed and has to tell us something important. It is always something that makes total sense to her but makes me feel like I am back in 9th grade geometry class. So as I am putting her to sleep I said it would make daddy so happy if you stayed in bed tonight and did not play any games. She looked at me and said happy like smiles and cupcakes. Yes honey like smiles and cupcakes.

Using the words of my daughter, I am so very happy, like smiles and cupcakes, to announce some major updates at BeWell Fitness starting June 1st.

-I will be promoting my intern, Jason Reno, to a active strength coach. In addition to holding a a national accreditation for training, Jason has spent five plus years studying the arts of Kickboxing, Wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and is currently on the path to become a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

-Every night Monday – Thursday there will be an evening group session starting at 630pm. It was at 6pm but based on feedback that was cutting it close for people after work so we moved it to 630pm and added more days.

-We are starting a new class format for some of the classes at certain times. It will be a ULTRA Bootcamp. This is the only ULTRA Bootcamp around and what makes this unique and unlike any group fitness class, bootcamp, Crossfit, P90X, or Insanity workout is the program and coaching. This will be a non-stop 45-60 minute session of sweat. Further, this is not a beginner class and not for everyone. This is a class for the people that want more intensity and are experienced in the gym. You will have a coach with you the entire time watching and making sure you are in proper form and not over doing any movement. The goal is to step up the intensity but not to the point of destruction.

-More times will open up for individual program design and open gym Monday – Thursday. So if you have been looking to come in later and it just hasn’t been available this is the opportunity.

-We also have a $99 membership option now. So this may be perfect for you based on your schedule and budget.

We have asked and received feedback and we are making changes based on that as well as going above and beyond what was asked. We hope that we can do the same for you.

If you are not a current member and the above is something you are interested in, please email for more information. If you are a current member, it is all included in your already existing membership.


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Tips: What are you doing this summer?

Summer is right around the corner which is so odd because I feel like there has been no spring.

That being said summer seems to fly by for everyone. A number of holidays are throughout the summer, concerts, camps, vacations, BBQ’s, parties, etc. Summer is a happening time!

Here are a couple of tips to help you get the most out of your summer and your children’s summer:

-Figure out what activities, trips, events, etc. are the most important ones and schedule those first. It could be a summer camp for the kids or a family vacation. Then look at the calendar and make a bucket list of other things that you would like to accomplish. Remember summer only has 8 weekends typically.

-Stay active with the weather. Summer is always such a beautiful time of year for great weather. Take advantage of it and get outside for activities.

-Diversify. I hear way too often that kids are going to one kind of camp or specializing in one thing over the summer. I recommend that they play as many different sports and activities while developing. It will allow them to learn new movements, games and body awareness. I do not recommend specializing in one sport until halfway through high school.

-Take advantage of the grill. Use the grill for beef, chicken, fish, and vegetables. In my opinion there is nothing better then getting food right from the grill.

Lastly, you are cordially invited to join us for our summer programs. We have programs for adults, athletes, college kids and youth. If you are interested in our summer camps please send a email to for more details.

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