Monthly Archives: December 2012

Christmas Cookies

Over the weekend the whole family went to the grocery store for our weekly “stock up”. We have a system down every time we walk in the store so we don’t forget anything; it is called go down every single aisle, which is great with two small children. Needless to say I think we need a better system. Well we inevitably got to the baking section and my wife asked the girls if they would like to make Christmas cookies. Seriously? What do you think they said, of course they said yes while jumping up and down.

So we got home and told them after their nap we can make the cookies. Once they got up my wife had everything ready and they started crafting them. (Keep in mind that I am still in my 10 week challenge and cookies are not on the “list” of approved nutrition.) My job was to make sure they stayed away from the oven, quite important if you ask me. As they were cutting and decorating they looked at me with those daughter eyes and said will you have some of the cookies I made. I have said no before, it is not a word that I am unaccustomed to. I feel like I say it quite often everyday but for some reason I just did not get it out of my mouth and I wound up having some of their cookies. Now, in all fairness to me, I usually would have eaten all the cookies and been yelled at from my wife, whereas this time I only had a couple.

Yesterday, I worked out double to make sure I worked off any remaining evidence in my body of those cookies. As I was working out I remembered the 90% rule. Studies have shown that if we can achieve 90% compliance with our nutrition that it is virtually the same as 100%. They found very little data showing a difference from one to the other, which means those of you that think you have to be perfect or “all in” to achieve results are mistaken. The greatest baseball players of all time had batting averages in the 30 and 40% range and they are in the hall of fame!

Moral of the story is:
Mistakes are bound and most likely to happen. It is what we do with the opportunity and that we can still be successful without perfection.


  • $99 student rate starts the 15th
  • THIS SATURDAY is the final workshop of the year: My Favorite 5 Fat Blasting Exercises

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An English Lesson and Reminder

I am very thankful that I have people reading my posts so thoroughly. I made a mistake for the last workshop of the year in the last post. My wife tells me I am only allowed one mistake a day so I totally blew it on that; very irresponsible of me. I’m just kidding, she reminds me all the time I am not perfect.

I hope all can accept my apologies, especially my wife for this post, I love you.

The correct date is next Saturday the 15th at 930am for my top 5 Fat Blasting exercises.

Also, a reminder that starting December 15-January 15 is the special student rate of $99 and gift certificates are available in any denomination or membership.

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My Top 5 Fat Burning Exercises

Just like last month I have devised a list of my top 5 exercises, except this time they are focused on blasting fat away.

There are a number of myths or misconceptions out in media these days. So what I wanted to do was to tell the truth and let people know how to really exercise the fat away. Better yet, instead of telling, I want to show you. These exercises not only take your metabolism to a new speed, they add muscle and burn calories. Like George Costanza says, it is the tri-fecta!

Next Saturday the 15th at 930am I will be holding my last workshop of the year solely dedicated to blasting fat. Very little talk and a lot of nastiness!

It was tough to narrow it down to 5 exercises so you know it will be a good one.

Finish this year strong with this workshop and start the new year out with a bang.


Saturday November 17th
BeWell Fitness

Members: $10 BUT, if you bring a non-member friend you are both FREE
Non-Members: $20 BUT, if you bring another non-member friend you both get 50% OFF.


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