Monthly Archives: August 2012

What I learned from buying a house

Yesterday my wife and I, after quite a long and tumultuous process, have finally bought a new house.

When we got to the closing table we had everything we needed ready, except for a bag to keep all of our nervous energy in. The previous night I was talking to my dad and asking him if there was anything we forgot because I wanted the closing to go smooth and fast. He thought we had everything covered but he also said, don’t rush over something just to get done; this is one of the single biggest purchases you will have. Of course I am leaving out the fatherly tone and sincere care that he had when saying it. Seriously.

So as the good son and young Jedi that I am I listened and obliged. We had our lawyer there, our agent and our lender. Basically, if any question came up regarding anything we were covered with our team. Normally a closing can take hours to complete. Ours took 75 minutes. All items were resolved and we walked away with what we wanted.

Your health is very much the same as buying a house. Put a team together, be prepared and execute. Sounds simple and is simple yet not always easy. Let the experts do what they do best. They are trained just for that reason. Find the right people and trust that they will put you on the right path and look out for your best interest. Then, all you have to do is execute, or show up. Showing up is sometimes the toughest thing to do for people.

If you need help putting a team together for yourself or executing that plan please let me know.


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What they teach race car drivers

I was watching a TV special a couple months ago and found this concept quite interesting and remembered it the other night when I was driving home.

When race car drivers are going around a track and they find themselves in a crash situation whether it be with another car or the wall they are taught to look away from the problem. In other words, if they look at he car they are going to hit or the wall they are about to run into they will indefinitely hit those things. If they look to where they would rather be then the chances of the crash being severe or at all drop.

From a health and fitness perspective, look to where you want to be. Look towards a path that you want to be on. If you are feeling a crash or see one ahead like continuous weight gain or health symptoms rising like risk of diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. look to a new path and keep your eyes on that path. Don’t fall victim to another car or wall.

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Thank you for the present

Last week my wife and I decided to sign my newly turned 3 year old up for a ballet class. We told her right away as to get her excited about going. Well she got excited alright. She talks about it all the time. I don’t think there has been one day when it hasn’t been mentioned yet. Its like the commercial with the kids in the back of the car asking their parents, are we there yet?

No matter how many times we showed her a calendar. No matter how many times we said it was closed. No matter what we said she wanted her ballet class to start NOW. You see kids don’t get 34 days from now. They don’t even get tomorrow. They understand right now. The more I thought about it the more I realized it was such a gift. They see what’s in front of them, nothing else. They are totally present.

Whether you are a client of mine or not, I know you have goals of some sort and to some degree. How many times have we all got caught up in the massiveness of the goal and been deterred from even starting or completing because it was just too big? I can tell you it has happened to me for sure. BUT… if I was more present I think I would have had a better shot at accomplishing it. I would not have got caught up in stuff that has not happened yet. I would stick to what is in front of me.

I invite you to be present. For example, if you have a weight loss goal, focus on today! Focus on what you can do today to work toward that goal, instead of thinking I have to lose 20, 40, 60, 80 pounds. It isn’t going to happen today. Focus on what you can do NOW.


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Is summer really almost over?

We have completed 222 days this year amazingly enough. For some the time has flown by and for others the 222 may seem like an eternity.

Did you have goals for this year that you haven’t achieved yet? Do you have things that you still want to accomplish? It could be health related or otherwise. Whatever you wanted and whenever you wanted by just know that you have 143 days remaining to get after it. Now those 143 will go faster that the first 222 so I invite you to take control of what you want now.

I had a client tell me they were disappointed because they wanted to accomplish certain things before they turned 50 and unfortunately did not hit all the items. I told them that it is a good thing you are 50 for 364 days. We all fall off the wagon at some point. It is bound to happen. The key is to get back on and find your way again.

So what I have done is compiled a couple things to help you in your health and fitness path for the last 143 days:

  1. Get in a schedule and stick to it 90% of the time. We are creatures of habit so if you put the right habits in front of you on a daily and weekly basis you are bound to do them more often.
  2. Take your vitamins! There was a study done on people that had to take heart medication. These people showed that they only took their pill 50% of the time. Now, this is a pill they need for survival and they are only taking it 50% of the time! Come on people! Start getting ahead of the game and take the vitamins that you need. Now, I know there are a lot of options out there so I have taken the guess work out of it for you. Go to: and get on it TODAY! I’ll even sweeten the deal and get you 15% off your first order with coupon code PROEX15.
  3. MOVE! Plain and simple. If you are not moving, start. If you already are, do it more. To help with that, I am offering a FREE one week trial membership to anyone who wants to experience the group sessions here at BeWell Fitness. You have nothing to lose but what you want!
  4. Go to the doctor and get your check-ups. Make your appointments today because everyone wants to get in before the end of the year because their deductible resets in January. Get checked out. Have blood drawn and tests completed. Find out where you are from a diagnostic standpoint.

What will you do with your last 143 days of this year? How do you choose to live? Better than the first 222? I hope so.

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Should you eat before bed?

Boy oh boy is this a debated topic. I will make this short and sweet for you…

If it is your time to eat then eat. Do not skip a meal just because it is bedtime. The fact that you will lay your head on a pillow for 6-8 hours means nothing. Think about during the day sometimes. How many of you skip meals anyway and go for even longer stretches of time without eating. For some reason we feel the need to put a different spin on bedtime. Sitting on your butt at a desk all day and lying down are not that much different. Your metabolism is doing basically the same thing.

Ideally you should eat every 2-4 hours. Which means the longer you are up in a day the more you consume. Eat by time not by hunger. Hunger gives you a false sense of satiety and you tend to eat more because of it.

Bottom line, if you go to bed at 9pm and the last meal you had was at 5pm, eat something!

Now when I say something, I don’t mean a bowl of cereal or ice cream. I mean a lean protein and vegetable.

Break the myth, enjoy it!

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