Monthly Archives: March 2012

Are you playing with pain?

Growing up playing sports all my life I have definitely experienced pain in numerous ways. I can picture Apollo Creed saying over and over to Rocky, “No pain…No pain!” It was almost his second anthem. He was build like a steel drum that could take a beating and come back. Except every time that drum was hit it caused just a little more damage eventually leading to damage that could not be fixed.

We all have had pain in some way shape or form. 2 weeks ago I was watching a golf tournament on TV when Tiger Woods dropped out early due to a injury. However, years ago he won the US Open with a torn up knee and broken bone! Now these are 2 vastly different examples on the pain spectrum but one thing still holds true; his mindset. When he bowed out 2 weeks ago, he probably could have played but chose otherwise. He could have fought through the pain like he did years ago and finish the weekend. The difference this time was he made the right pain management decision. He lived to fight another day and the result was he won this past weekend.

Side note: If you play golf and are preparing for this upcoming season, no matter where you live, and want help to be in the best shape when you are on the course, check out the link below:

So what is the take away from this?

We CAN reduce the number of injuries in our body and learn how to manage pain in our body.

Notice I did not say eliminate or remove I said reduce. There is no way to prevent certain injuries due to impact. The injuries and pain management I am speaking of are the ones that you get stepping in and out of a car, tying your shoes, reaching for something, bending down, etc. Like I tell my wife, “I can’t help it if you are a klutz.”

Reduction means proactive preparation. Not just for exercise or sport but for life. This includes foam rolling, stretching, and warm up. I would suggest doing it in that order. Foam rolling has positive effects on the muscle tissue density which allows you to effectively static stretch the connective tissues and then warm them up for performance.

It may be called Tee Time!, but it is really for the “game of life.” If you want to reduce your pain and injuries, prepare yourself. Again, check out this link for more information:

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My new favorite

If you have a tight schedule and always feel like you are under the gun with deadlines, appointments, meetings, functions, etc. this post is for you.

This is the 5th year the gym has been opened. In that time we have had two great kids. So on top of the schedule that I keep at the gym I then have the most important “job” of being a parent. My wife is the best example of always putting herself last to take care of the kids and me of course. So, when she has time to eat or I have time to eat, it is either standing up, like Cookie Monster or not at all. I know everyone is different and we all have a schedule to keep.

So my new favorite method to ensure I am not overeating or missing the taste of my food is to slow down! Pretty innovative right? Well, you would be surprised just how fast we eat and just how fast we consume a s@%t load of food. I used to never understand why my mom ate so slow but she was right on and quite frankly she was probably eating at a normal pace and it was my dad and I that were way too fast.

Next time you eat, try putting your eating utensil down after each bite. I know it may seem ridiculous but you will eat less and allow your body time to “feel” full. By the time we actually feel full we have over eaten.

Let me know other ways that have worked for you.

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First pair of shoes

This past weekend my wife and I bought my youngest daughter, 11 1/2 months old, her first pair of shoes. Now, if anyone knows me, they know I have a shoe problem. I like my sneaks, or what people in the Midwest call tennis shoes, so going to get the first pair for my daughter brought about some reoccurring issues for my wife and I. You see, she wants what is cute, as do I, but I also want something that doesn’t force her to walk like Frankenstein. We went through the same stuff with my oldest daughter the first time we bought her sneaks. To prove my point back then, which I did not have to do this time, I told my wife to put the shoes she wanted on my daughter first and let her walk around the store. Well… She made it 2-3 steps and then fell flat because she couldn’t move in them! My wife hates to be wrong so it was hard for her to admit that they were not the best shoes for her. Fast forward to the present and why this matter for you. Just because we know how to walk better then my 11 1/2 month old, just means we can hide the imperfections better. The goal for you should be to get back to a barefoot feel when training, but it can’t happen quickly if you are accustomed to Frankenstein shoes; it has to be gradual.

Choosing the right pair of sneaks is more complicated then you may think. To keep it simple you have a few things to think about when shopping. But before we start with that, examine your current shoes now.

Does it have a high heel cushion that is dense? What type of arch is it? High? Low? How thick is the cushioning through the forefoot?

It is important to know because you don’t want a huge change in feel from the next pair of shoes you buy. The ultimate goal is to be in a pair of shoes that is a barefoot feel and it has to be done in stages. For some of you it might be a quicker transition then others but eventually that is where you want to be.

Over time start to gradually decrease the heel cushion, forefoot cushion, etc.

One of the top Physical Therapists in the country says, you should only run as far and as fast as you can barefoot.

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Tee Time!

What was supposed to be a awful winter has turned out to be dismal which means that golf courses may be opening sooner than expected.

Are you ready to play your best this year? Whether you are a scratch handicap or an 18 this program will provide you with the tools you need to elevate your game.

For the next 8 weeks I have a plan that will help get you ready for the season. Starting April 5th, we will work on your game off the course so when the courses open you will be ready. Even if you live in great climate right now this will still be of benefit to you. It will help…

Increase flexibility and mobility for better swing mechanics

Increase your CORE pillar strength to control your swing plane

Develop power in your golf swing for greater distance

And finally, reduce the number of aches, pains and injuries from playing

If you want to take your game to the next level and prepare like the pros do, ACT NOW!

Call 847 549 7200



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